Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
504 lines
'copyright (c) 1994 by Bruce Fulton
'All Rights Reserved
'You may use this program for your own education
'and information, and you may give a copy of the program,
'completely intact, to others to help them learn, but
'you may not charge for the program nor may you charge
'any fee for copying it for others.
Option Explicit
'program declarations
Global ThePath As String
Global Const MB_YESNO = 4 ' Yes and No buttons
Global Const IDYES = 6 ' Yes button pressed
Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 256 ' Second button is default
' from the data.txt constant file
' Data Access constants
' not all of these are used in this program
' Option argument values (CreateDynaset, etc)
Global Const DB_DENYWRITE = &H1
Global Const DB_DENYREAD = &H2
Global Const DB_READONLY = &H4
Global Const DB_APPENDONLY = &H8
Global Const DB_INCONSISTENT = &H10
Global Const DB_CONSISTENT = &H20
' SetDataAccessOption
' Field Attributes
Global Const DB_FIXEDFIELD = &H1
Global Const DB_AUTOINCRFIELD = &H10
' Field Data Types
Global Const DB_BOOLEAN = 1
Global Const DB_BYTE = 2
Global Const DB_INTEGER = 3
Global Const DB_LONG = 4
Global Const DB_CURRENCY = 5
Global Const DB_SINGLE = 6
Global Const DB_DOUBLE = 7
Global Const DB_DATE = 8
Global Const DB_TEXT = 10
Global Const DB_LONGBINARY = 11
Global Const DB_MEMO = 12
' TableDef Attributes
Global Const DB_ATTACHEXCLUSIVE = &H10000
Global Const DB_ATTACHSAVEPWD = &H20000
Global Const DB_SYSTEMOBJECT = &H80000002
Global Const DB_ATTACHEDTABLE = &H40000000
Global Const DB_ATTACHEDODBC = &H20000000
' ListTables TableType
Global Const DB_TABLE = 1
Global Const DB_QUERYDEF = 5
' ListTables Attributes (for QueryDefs)
Global Const DB_QACTION = &HF0
Global Const DB_QCROSSTAB = &H10
Global Const DB_QDELETE = &H20
Global Const DB_QUPDATE = &H30
Global Const DB_QAPPEND = &H40
Global Const DB_QMAKETABLE = &H50
' ListIndexes IndexAttributes values
Global Const DB_UNIQUE = 1
Global Const DB_PRIMARY = 2
Global Const DB_PROHIBITNULL = 4
Global Const DB_IGNORENULL = 8
' ListIndexes FieldAttributes value
Global Const DB_DESCENDING = 1 'For each field in Index
' CreateDatabase and CompactDatabase Language constants
Global Const DB_LANG_GENERAL = ";LANGID=0x0809;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
Global Const DB_LANG_SPANISH = ";LANGID=0x040A;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
Global Const DB_LANG_DUTCH = ";LANGID=0x0413;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
Global Const DB_LANG_SWEDFIN = ";LANGID=0x040C;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0" 'VB3 andAccess 1.1 Databases
Global Const DB_LANG_NORWDAN = ";LANGID=0x0414;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0" 'VB3 andAccess 1.1 Databases
Global Const DB_LANG_ICELANDIC = ";LANGID=0x040F;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0" 'VB3 andAccess 1.1 Databases
Global Const DB_LANG_NORDIC = ";LANGID=0x041D;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0" 'Access 1.0 Databases only
' CreateDatabase and CompactDatabase options
Global Const DB_VERSION10 = 1 ' Microsoft Access Version 1.0
Global Const DB_ENCRYPT = 2 ' Make database encrypted.
Global Const DB_DECRYPT = 4 ' Decrypt database while compacting.
'Collating order values
Global Const DB_SORTGENERAL = 256 ' Sort by EFGPI rules (English, French, German,Portuguese, Italian)
Global Const DB_SORTSPANISH = 258 ' Sort by Spanish rules
Global Const DB_SORTDUTCH = 259 ' Sort by Dutch rules
Global Const DB_SORTSWEDFIN = 260 ' Sort by Swedish, Finnish rules
Global Const DB_SORTNORWDAN = 261 ' Sort by Norwegian, Danish rules
Global Const DB_SORTICELANDIC = 262 ' Sort by Icelandic rules
Global Const DB_SORTPDXINTL = 4096 ' Sort by Paradox international rules
Global Const DB_SORTPDXSWE = 4097 ' Sort by Paradox Swedish, Finnish rules
Global Const DB_SORTPDXNOR = 4098 ' Sort by Paradox Norwegian, Danish rules
Global Const DB_SORTUNDEFINED = -1 ' Sort rules are undefined or unknown
Sub addfield ()
'turn on the errorhandler
On Error GoTo addfieldERR
screen.MousePointer = 11
'dim variables as a database and field objects
Dim db As database
Dim newf As New field
'define the name, the type and if applicable,
'the length and attributes for the field.
newf.Name = "Comment"
newf.Type = DB_MEMO
'open the database
Set db = OpenDatabase(ThePath + "USPLACE.MDB")
'add the new field to the Place Names table in the database
db.TableDefs("Place Names").Fields.Append newf
'close the database
screen.MousePointer = 0
MsgBox "Field 'Comments' successfully added to Place Names."
'error trapping routine
GoTo addfieldEND
Resume addfieldEND
screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
Sub additems (lbl As Label)
'turn on error trapping
On Error GoTo additemsERR
screen.MousePointer = 11
'declare needed variables
Dim filnam, lin As String
Dim db As database, tb As table
Dim elapsed, itmcnt As Long
'open the database
Set db = OpenDatabase(ThePath + "USPLACE.MDB", True)
'select/open the table to add to
Set tb = db.OpenTable("Place Names")
'we'll read data in from a
'fixed field ascii file and add it to the mdb database.
'You could also load from other file formats or from
'values in text boxes.
filnam = ThePath + "sample.dta"
Open filnam For Input As #1
'just skip any duplicate key errors
On Error Resume Next
'let's see how long it takes
elapsed = Timer
While Not EOF(1)
'experiment with adding or commenting out the
'following two statements to see the performance
'use the addnew method
Line Input #1, lin
tb("Name") = Trim$(Mid$(lin, 1, 48))
lbl.Caption = "Adding " & tb("Name")
tb("State Code") = Val(Mid$(lin, 60, 2))
tb("County Code") = Val(Mid$(lin, 62, 3))
'str2dec converts latitude/longitude
'in dddhhmm format to decimal format
tb("Latitude") = str2dec(Mid$(lin, 73, 6))
tb("Longitude") = str2dec(Mid$(lin, 80, 7))
'if you don't 'update', the data is not added
If Err <> 0 Then
lbl.Caption = "ERROR - did not add " & tb("Name")
Err = 0
'just counting how many items we've done
itmcnt = itmcnt + 1
End If
'save some time by commenting out the label refresh
'restore regular error handler and close everything
On Error GoTo additemsERR
Close #1
form1.Label3.Caption = ""
screen.MousePointer = 0
'how did we do?
elapsed = Timer - elapsed
MsgBox Str$(itmcnt) & " items successfully added in " & Str$(elapsed) & " seconds."
'error trapping routine
GoTo additemsEND
Resume additemsEND
screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
Sub addnameidx ()
'turn on the errorhandler
On Error GoTo addnameidxERR
screen.MousePointer = 11
'dim database, new index objects
Dim db As database
Dim ix As New Index
Dim elapsed
'name the new table
ix.Name = "Name Index"
ix.Fields = "Name"
ix.Unique = False
ix.Primary = False
'let's see how long it took
elapsed = Timer
'open the database
Set db = OpenDatabase(ThePath + "USPLACE.MDB")
'add the new table to the database
db.TableDefs("Place Names").Indexes.Append ix
'close the database
elapsed = Timer - elapsed
screen.MousePointer = 0
MsgBox "Secondary index on Name for table Place Names successfully created. It took " & Str$(elapsed) & " seconds."
'error trapping routine
GoTo addnameidxEND
Resume addnameidxEND
screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
Sub addtucson ()
'turn on error trapping
On Error GoTo addtucsonERR
screen.MousePointer = 11
'declare needed variables
Dim db As database, tb As table
'open the database
Set db = OpenDatabase(ThePat